Friday, 6 November 2009

How to Save Money on your grocery bill

Saving money and being more frugal is neither a science nor an art; rather it is somewhere in between and requires your commitment and hard work. Saving money takes time to develop, needs to be learnt, and brings benefits that will endure for the rest of your life.

What you save falls between two activities and their difference, how much you make and how much you spend. Since you have more control over how much you spend, it's wise to take a critical look at your expenses. Write down everything you spend your money on for a couple weeks or a month. Be as detailed as possible, and try not to leave out small purchases. Assign each purchase or expenditure a category such as: Rent, Car insurance, Car payments, Phone Bill, Cable Bill, Utilities, Gas, Food, Entertainment, etc.

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables as they are low in cost and taste better than cold storage out-of-season food items. They also provide variety in your meals throughout the year. During season, when items are available in bulk, you can even freeze items, such as peas and carrots slices, and use them later. Seasonal fruits and vegetables can also be used to make juices, soups, jams, ice creams, and chutneys.

Storing grocery, vegetables and fruits properly will keep them fresh longer. Coriander, mint celery, lettuce and other greens can be wrapped in newspaper or brown paper and stored in your fridge for a longer time. If you remove the stems of green chilies, they stay fresh for a longer time. Food items, such as dry fruits last longer if stored in the refrigerator.

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